“La Groletta”

We are in the highest part of the La Groletta vineyard, at an altitude of 250 meters, overlooking Lake Garda but also sheltered by the Lessini Mountains: a splendid position, because the microclimate has to be just perfect.

A 1.9 hectare, low yield vineyard perched on a hilltop overlooking Lake Garda, covets a dream of enveloping aromas and flavours. The clay and limestone-based soil, warm south-western sun and cool lake breezes, create the perfect terroir for the creation of an exceptional Amarone. Year after year, time adds its inimitable signature.

The geological “roots” of this terrain tell a complex and diversified story that begins 170 million years ago: a “dance” of tectonic movements that safeguard and bear witness to the successive marine environments and the formation of this particular subsurface closely linked with the rise of the Alpine Chain and the Lessini Mountains, but also with the history of the Adige River and glacier.

Upon the two main rock formations of Maiolica and Rosso Ammonitico, lies a soil that also contains clay, silt, sand, and gravel, rich in carbonates and potassium, ideal for imparting to the wine compact colors, intense aromas, vibrant acidity, fine quality, and longevity.


LA GROLETTAVINEYARD Venice Venice Verona Verona Garda Lake Valpolicellaclassica Tommasi Veneto Region Sant’Ambrogiodi Valpolicella Garda Lake


The roots of De Buris are enclosed in a single vineyard of extraordinary qualities, where the unique terroir preserves the history and traditions of Valpolicella Classica.
The name “Valpolicella” was officially recognized by Frederick Barbarossa in 1177. The etymology of the name, based on historical, glottological, and phonetic studies, is explained as deriving from the Latin word “Pullum”, documented by the agronomist Columella, who in the work “De Re Rustica”, identifies the particular alluvial formations rich in silt and humus conducive to lush spontaneous vegetation. The toponym indicates places arisen on river valleys where watercourses favored the formation of islets, even if not lasting, which in the region must have been quite frequent.